Movie Genres: Sci-Fi
Movie genres: Science Fiction (sci-fi)
Science fiction, majorly known as Sci-Fi, is a genre that mainly incorporates hypothetical scientific ideas in its plots. This includes features such as aliens, space, advanced futuristic technology, questionable outcomes of the future etc. It's main plot purposes raises issues to audiences of things such as the danger of knowledge in society and what it can lead to, ie Frankenstein. It may also raise awareness to things such as society's anxiety to technology and the idea that it may seem good and useful when its working but what happens when it starts to turn against people, and things such as robots start to turn dangerous, an example would be The Terminator for instance, with its evil robots and advanced AI.

With Science Fiction also seeming scary in some places for its accuracy with issues, it can also be intentionally scary with how it presents its villains and monsters. Films such as Alien which depicts man-eating aliens can be seen by many as having a horror effect to it as the monsters themselves are scary and are usually seen in a horror genre, however, unlike the horror genre, the monsters themselves usually derive from a scientific explanation. This also includes films such as Predator or Cloverfield, where it keeps the audience on the edge of their seats, waiting to be scared.

Much of the Sci-Fi genre plays into what could happen in the future as well as what could be happening now, whether that be in government labs or in space. However, it raises topics that are constantly present in whatever decade you watch them as science is truly unpredictable and 'the future' could be whenever. The topics seen in Sci-Fi will also never become irrelevant as there will always be scientific advancement in everyday society, something that will never leave the genre short of new ideas to play out, making it a genre endless to audiences of film.
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