Short Film assignment

Short Film assignment

Film ideas (individual idea):

  • Book of life-man reading book of life, goes to shots of his past memories/family, gradually going through the book. End of the book gets crossed out, new note written, saying he dies at the end. Turns around, gets shot.
  • Horror film idea- abandoned house, baby crying, people go into to see what the issue is, no baby inside, get locked in, timer starts with 1 hour, have to get out, being followed/watched by killer (undead nanny from 19th century).
  • Train ride- guys been shot, bleeding out on the train, goes to flashbacks of the man and whole situations, keep cutting it to different places, non-chronological to add confusion, but pieces add up in the end. Gets off the train, falls onto the platform, unconscious. Ends.
  • Thriller- a man suffering from schizophrenia is stalking a woman from work. The film starts showing that its been happening for a while, cutting to different shots quickly. Then rest of the film follows the man from his perspective stalking her for one night.

Film synopsis of individual idea:

Train ride- Start the film with a man sat on a train, holding his stomach. The audience sees that the man has been shot and is bleeding out. The man is by himself,  the only prominent sound is the diegetic sound of the train and other passengers, its quiet though, with a subtle non-diegetic sound of a ringing in the background. The man then looks out the window and camera focuses on his reflection. The film then follows the guy's past to see what has led to this situation-in non chronological order as to create confusion within the audience and create enigma. The camera, however, keeps going back to the guy on the train in between the shots of his past. By the end of the film, the past situations will become chronological to the audience, and they will understand what has happened. The film ends with the man getting off the train and collapsing on the platform, it then cuts to black.

Chosen idea (as a group):

Horror film- A kid gets locked in school at night, though its still slightly light outside. He then finds another kid with a broken nose who he doesn't recognise. They then find the second kid's dead body in the school and become scared and confused. During this a killer comes after them, but eventually dies. When it reaches midnight, the kid with the broken nose disappears, and the first guy is sad.

Cinematic ideas:

The film will include low-key lighting mainly throughout in order to stick to the conventions typically seen in horror films, this is to add to the enigma and suspense in the film to make the audience feel uneasy and tense. The narrative structure of the film includes plot twists and psychological confusion that enables a troubled and disturbed setting to be created, linking to horror film conventions that make the audience scared and fearful. The camera shots in the film will vary in order to create a film that includes perspectives in many ways. Extreme close ups on certain objects in order to show their plot significance will be included in the film, as well as Dutch angles to highlight confusion and psychological vulnerability, high angle shots and over the shoulder shots to vary perspective. The editing for the film will be able to show different perspectives of the character and help to increase the approaches to different shots and plot lines. It will also enable the film to flow and for the story to be understood. The sound in the film will mostly include non-diegetic sound of background music; a creepy, suspenseful and chilling song. This links to many of the cinematic ideas seen in horror films, as it helps to create a scary and frightful world to the audience, as it creates a platform for the audience that heightens the situation seen on screen in order to add uncomfortable and disconcerting feelings. The basic and essential expected cinematic ideas for a short film include a narrative that isn't too confusing and complex for the audience as there isn't a lot of time to demonstrate your plot, therefore the narrative will be simple, but still include techniques and plot lines that keep the audience engaged, much like that of short films in general. The mise-en-scene included in the short film will also help to promote the idea behind the film and add to the ideas that are trying to be conveyed in the short amount of time that makes up the film. 


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